Page 218 - Pharmacognosy 2 PG303 (1)
P. 218
Pharmacognosy-2 (PG303) Level 2 Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D
acicular crystals of calcium in
one of the cells.
2- Starch granules. 8- Parenchyma with acicular
crystals of calcium oxalate.
3- Part of a fibrous cell showing 9- Sclereids from the rhizome.
septa (sm.).
4- Part of the cork and phelloderm 10- Cork in surface view.
in sectional view.
5- Lignified xylem parenchyma in 11- Fragment of xylem
longitudinal section. elements.
6- Tracheidal-vessels. 12- Parenchyma of the pith of
the rhizome,
Owing to its alkaloid content, it has an expectorant effect with a strong
secretolytic action. Emetine and cephaline have about the same expectorant activity
and: their toxicity is very similar; hence, the former reference for the emetine-richer
Rio drug (cephalin was believed to be particularly toxic) was not justified.
lpecacuanha in the form of infusions or as tincture, is used in chronic
bronchitis or in the initial stages of acute bronchitis, which is accompanied by
a relatively dry cough with moderate and thick mucus, but not by a mild cough with
an abundant thin discharge. The action arises from irritation of the mucous membrane
of the stomach, which brings about a reflex stimulation of the ascending branch of
the para-sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, coupled with
Dover's powder is a mixture of 10 parts ipeca, 10 parts opium and 80 parts
lactose. It is widely used as an expectorant that at the same time has a
soothing effect on the irritation of the throat. However, the addictive and
narcotic effects must be borne in mind.
The medical profession has contradicted reports that the drug or its
preparations should no longer be used as an emetic.
Emetine itself has amoebicidal activity and can be given against the
vegetative forms of Entanweba histolytica, the causative agent in amoebic
Owing to the general irritant effect on skin and mucous membrane, care
should be taken in handling the drug. Floating dust from the drug can lead to
inflammation of the eyes and inhaling it can cause asthmatic attacks in