Page 275 - Pharmacognosy 2 PG303 (1)
P. 275

Pharmacognosy-2 (PG303)                              Level 2                Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D

                  Uses             ▪  Anthelmintic          ▪  Adaptogenic.           ▪  very potent and quick-     ▪  Emollient,           Stomachic and bitter
                                      (Vermifuge)           ▪  Improves both             acting poison which is     ▪  demulcent            tonic
                                   ✓  due to oleo-resin        physical and mental       now rarely used            ▪  Antitussive for
                                      content                  abilities.                internally except in          dry irritable

                                   ❖  It  has  a  paralytic    ▪  Aphrodisiac .          homeopathic doses 1:1         coughs (not
                                      effect       on       tape-  ▪  Immunostimulant    million  )The more the        expectorant)

                                      worm (e.g. ,Taenia    ▪  Muscle relaxant.          drug is diluted the        ▪  treatment of sore
                                      saginata  &Taenia     ▪  Anti-inflammatory.        greater is its ability to     throat .
                                      solium                ▪  Treatment of type  II     cure

                                          originated from      diabetes .             ▪  Aconitine when applied
                                      raw beef and pork     ▪  For menopausal            to the skin cause
                                      respectively).           disorders .               tingling followed by
                                                            ▪  Cardiotonic.              numbness
                                                            ▪  Anti-oxidant.          ▪  They were used for the
                                                            ▪  Normalize both high       treatment of certain
                                                               and low blood             types of neuralgia and
                                                               pressure .                rheumatism
                                                              Side effects :         ▪  Internally ,it is given in
                                                            ✓  High doses of             cases of
                                                               ginseng may cause         fever and pain
                                                               nervousness or
                                                               insomnia  ,
                                                               restlessness  ,
                                                               diarrhea ,vomiting ,
                                                               headache ,
                                                               nosebleed ,breast
                                                               pain ,and vaginal
                  Notes                 Caution                 Caution
                                   ✓  in large doses ,it is   ✓  Use with oral
                                      poisonous .It is         hypoglycemic
                                      reported to be           drugs ,insulin

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