Page 280 - Pharmacognosy 2 PG303 (1)
P. 280

Pharmacognosy-2 (PG303)                              Level 2                Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D

    Liquorice  سوسقرع   Ginger  ليبجنز   Curcuma     Galangal
 (Sweet Root)        rhizome مكرك                Rhizome ناجن     ل   وقلا

 Origin    Dried peeled  or unpeeled root  Dried rhizomes of Zingiber    Dried prepared rhizomes   Dried rhizomes of Alpinia

 and rhizome (stolon) of    officinale family   of Curcuma domestica   officinarum
 Glycyrrhiza glabra L .family     Zingiberaceae ,deprived  of   family Zingiberaceae   family Zingiberaceae
 Leguminosae   most of its roots known as

  (Fabaceae     unpeeled or Jamaica ginger .

 Active   ■  2-15% Triterpenoid   ■  1-3% volatile oils   ▪  Curcumin )crystalline   ▪  Small %  of volatile oils
 constituents    Saponins   (Zingiberene is the main   yellow substance (   (cineole is the main
 ✓  Glycyrrihizin      constituent)   ▪  5% of volatile oils.   constituent)
 ✓  24-hydroxy Glycyrrihizin     ■  Viscid oily resinous     ▪  Resin.   ▪  Oily pungent resin
 (50-100) times as sweet as   liquid known as  ▪  Gelatinized starch.   (galangol)
 sucrose.      (gingerols) to                ▪  Flavonoids )galangin
 ■  Flavanoids and     which its pungency is due.   and its mono-methyl
 isoflvonoids     The pungency is              ether)
 (Phytoestrogens) .   destroyed on boiling
 with alkali.
 Chemical   1)  Shake with water ,a       (1) Few drops of mixture of
 tests    permanent froth is formed    (Conc.   H₂SO₄/   95%
 2)  powdered   alcohol),  then  sprinkle  a
 liquorice+66%H2SO4 gives   small  amount  of  powder,
 orange red color.   particles  of  curcuma  turn

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