Page 282 - Pharmacognosy 2 PG303 (1)
P. 282

Pharmacognosy-2 (PG303)                              Level 2                Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D

 3)  with fehling solution give   (2)  Powder/ether,  extract
 red ppt.       with  CHCl₃,  dry  on  filter
                paper,  yellow  stain,  by
                treatment with hot saturated
                boric  acid  solution,  an
                orange     red    color   is
                produced  turns  into  bluish
                black  color  by  addition  of

 Uses    ▪  treatment of cough   ▪  anti-emetic   ▪  appetite stimulant and   ▪  Stimulant and
 (expectorant)   ▪  Aromatic flavoring and    digestive.      carminative properties .
 ▪  sweetening agent   condiment    ▪  rice colorant.   ▪  Prevent vomiting ( for
 ▪  demulcent   ▪  Anti-inflammatory   ➢  Curcumin is proved to     sea sickness)
 ▪  anti-inflammatory   (arthritis ,bronchitis)   have :   ▪  Antifungal against
 ▪  anti-ulcer   ▪  Circulatory stimulant, it is   ▪  antioxidant   Candida albicans
 ▪  antioxidant & antitumor   a   ▪   anti-inflammatory  )
 ▪  antiviral   good choice for chronic    treat arthritis)
 ▪  for menopausal disorder   cold hands and feet.   ▪  anticholesterolemic
 ➢  Side effects :   ▪  lower cholesterol and   (prevent heart
 Electrolyte disturbance   prevent the blood from     diseases)
 (hypokalemia, hypertension)   clotting (prolongation of   ▪  anticancer
 due to the corticosteroid -like   bleeding time)   ▪  treat HIV .
 action of glycyrrhizin
 Notes    ▪  Interaction with drugs:   ➢  Adulteration & detection?   ➢  Curcuma is prepared
 ✓  With diuretics cause   ✓  Precautions:   by (steam distillation)
 hypokalemia and paralysis.   ✓  should not be used by   ➢  The bioavailability of
 ✓  Increase the adverse effect of   children under 2 years    curcumin increased
 corticosteroids.   of age .   when co-administrated
 ✓  Toxicity of digoxin increased  ✓  excessive doses may    with black pepper.
 when K  level is low.   cause mild heartburn.
 ✓  It should not be used
 during pregnancy!!?

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