Page 298 - Pharmacognosy 2 PG303 (1)
P. 298

Pharmacognosy-2 (PG303)                              Level 2                Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D

    Gentian Root   Valerian    Senega Roots   Sarsaparilla   Colchicum Corm

 (Radix Gentianae)   Rhizome   )Snake Root (   Root      Meadow-saffron )

     انايريلاو - نيدران       )Radix Sarsaparillae  ,  Autumn crocus)  حلاحللا
                                  Radix Sarsae (
 Origin    Dried fermented   Carefully dried    Dried root and  rootstock of   Dried roots of Smilax  Fresh or dried corms of
 roots and rhizomes of    rhizomes and roots    Polygala senega   ornata ,family     Colchicum autamnale

 Gentiana lutea   of Valeriana   family Polygalaceae   Liliaceae   L .family Liliaceae
 family Gentianaceae   officinalis L   .

 ➢  Notice the keel.
 ➢  It has a broad crown on
 which numerous remains
 of stem bases.
 Active   ■  Seco-iridoid   ▪  Volatile oils   ▪ Saponin glycosides    ▪  Saponin     ▪  About 0.6%   of
 constituents    bitter substances:   (bornyl acetate and   6-12% saponins ,   glycoside   water-soluble
 the main constituent is  bornyl isovalerianate A mixture of triterpene    )Sarsaponin (   alkaloids, the most
 gentiopicrin.      are the main   glycosides  senega-saponins A- ▪  Sarsapic acid.   important is
 ■  Xanthone   Constituents     D (   ▪  Resin.          Colchicine.

 derivatives   ▪  Valepotriates .   ▪  Lipids ,mono -and oligo-     ▪  Other alkaloids (iso-

 (gentisin ,  ▪  Valerianic and   saccharides.           colchicine and
 isogentisin  ,  isovalerianic   ▪  Methyl salicylate and its   colchiceine  .

 gentioside)   acids    glycoside.                   ▪  Abundant starch.
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