Page 296 - Pharmacognosy 2 PG303 (1)
P. 296

Pharmacognosy-2 (PG303)                              Level 2                Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D

 Macro &      ➢  Powder:   ➢  Macro:   Micro:
 microscopic  ▪  Starch granules   ■  The fracture is    ▪  few anomocytic
 al   (simple or comp.) .   granular .   stomata
 characters   ▪  Cells with  bundles   ■  Odor :characteristic    ▪  Parenchymatous
 of Raphides of Ca .
                                  cells containing
      and faintly smoky.

 Oxalate   ■  Taste :bitter and    spheroidal masses of
 ▪  Tracheids &    slightly astringent    sinistrin
 tracheidal vessels .   ■  It colors Saliva
 ➢  Taste :bitter ,acrid    yellow.
 taste.   ➢  Micro:
   ✓  Pith contain
      anomalous structure
      amphivasal V.B (star  ▪  Mucilage cells
      spot)                       containing acicular
                                  crystals of Ca  .
                              ▪  Mesophyll
                                  consisting of thin-
                                  cells ,some of which
   ➢  Key element:                contain bundles of
   ✓  Giant Ca .Oxalate           large raphides of
      clusters                    calcium oxalate
   ✓  Reticulate xylem            embedded  in
      vessel                      mucilage  which
                                  stains  pink  with
                                  corallin  soda.

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