Page 70 - Dental Benefit Plan Summary
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                       specified disclosure purpose. If return or destruction is not feasible, the Company will
                       limit further uses and disclosures to those purposes that make the return or destruction

                   The following classes of employees identified in the table below are under the control of the
                   Company.  Such employees may only have access to, and use and disclose, PHI for plan
                   administrative functions that the Company performs as described in the table below.

                   Division       Classes of Employees                   Business Use

                   Executive      President & CEO                        Plan administration as needed.

                   Financial      Business Analyst                       Benefits audit process.

                                  Financial Reporting                    Reconcile plan bank accounts.

                                  Revenue Accounting                     Check processing.

                                  Payroll                                Processing of benefits payroll

                   Internal Audit  Internal Auditors                     Benefits audit process.

                   Legal          Sr. Counsel,Corporate Counsel, General  Legal Services for plan
                                  Counsel and Legal Assistant            administration, open records and
                                                                         employment law matters

                   Investments    Cash Manager                           Monitor plan cash flow activity.

                   Information    Lotus Notes and Infinium               Support of HRIS databases and
                   Technology     programming/support staff.             programs.

                   Human          HR Employee Services Team              Employee health plan operations.

                   If you believe your rights under HIPAA have been violated, you have the right to file a
                   complaint with the Legal Department c/o Privacy Officer or with the Secretary of the U.S.
                   Department of Health and Human Services.  The Company will discipline employees who
                   fail to comply with the HIPAA rules concerning uses and disclosures of PHI, from
                   counseling up to and including termination.

                   All other terms, provisions and conditions shown in this Summary Plan Description will
                   continue to apply

                   65                                                                   SECTION 12 - ERISA
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