Page 119 - 2021 Medical Plan SPD
P. 119

Texas Mutual Insurance Company Medical Plan

               Medicare - Parts A, B, C and D of the insurance program established by Title XVIII, United States Social
               Security Act, as amended by 42 U.S.C. Sections 1394, et seq. and as later amended.

               Mental Health Care Services - services for the diagnosis and treatment of those mental health or
               psychiatric categories that are listed in the current edition of the International Classification of Diseases
               section on Mental and Behavioral Disorders or the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American
               Psychiatric Association. The fact that a condition is listed in the current edition of the International
               Classification of Diseases section on Mental and Behavioral Disorders or Diagnostic and Statistical
               Manual of the American Psychiatric Association does not mean that treatment for the condition is a
               Covered Health Care Service.

               Mental Health/Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders Designee - the organization or individual,
               designated by the Claims Administrator, that provides or arranges Mental Health Care Services and
               Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders Services.
               Mental Illness - those mental health or psychiatric diagnostic categories that are listed in the current
               edition of the International Classification of Diseases section on Mental and Behavioral Disorders or
               Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association. The fact that a condition is
               listed in the current edition of the International Classification of Diseases section on Mental and
               Behavioral Disorders or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association does
               not mean that treatment for the condition is a Covered Health Care Service.

               Mobility Device - A manual wheelchair, electric wheelchair, transfer chair or scooter.
               Network - when used to describe a provider of health care services, this means a provider that has a
               participation agreement in effect (either directly or indirectly) with the Claims Administrator or with the
               Claims Administrator's affiliate to participate in the Claims Administrator's Network. This does not include
               those providers who have agreed to discount their charges for Covered Health Care Services. The
               Claims Administrator's affiliates are those entities affiliated with the Claims Administrator through common
               ownership or control with the Claims Administrator or with the Claims Administrator's ultimate corporate
               parent, including direct and indirect subsidiaries.
               A provider may enter into an agreement to provide only certain Covered Health Care Services, but not all
               Covered Health Care Services, or to be a Network provider for only some of the Claims Administrator's
               products. In this case, the provider will be a Network provider for the Covered Health Care Services and
               products included in the participation agreement and an out-of-Network provider for other Covered Health
               Care Services and products. The participation status of providers will change from time to time.
               Network Benefits - the description of how Benefits are paid for Covered Health Care Services provided
               by Network providers. The Schedule of Benefits will tell you if your plan offers Network Benefits and how
               Network Benefits apply.

               New Pharmaceutical Product - a Pharmaceutical Product or new dosage form of a previously approved
               Pharmaceutical Product. It applies to the period of time starting on the date the Pharmaceutical Product
               or new dosage form is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and ends on the earlier
               of the following dates:

               •     The date it is placed on a tier by the Claims Administrator's PDL Management Committee.
               •     December 31st of the following calendar year.

               Non-Medical 24-Hour Withdrawal Management - an organized residential service, including those
               defined in the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) Criteria providing 24-hour supervision,
               observation, and support for patients who are intoxicated or experiencing withdrawal, using peer and
               social support rather than medical and nursing care.
               Open Enrollment Period - a period of time, after the Initial Enrollment Period, when Eligible Persons
               may enroll themselves and Dependents under the Plan. The Plan Sponsor sets the period of time that is
               the Open Enrollment Period.

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