Page 121 - 2021 Medical Plan SPD
P. 121

Texas Mutual Insurance Company Medical Plan

               •     The service is provided to a Covered Person by an independent nurse who is hired directly by the
                     Covered Person or his/her family. This includes nursing services provided on an inpatient or home-
                     care basis, whether the service is skilled or non-skilled independent nursing.
               Residential Treatment - treatment in a facility established and operated as required by law, which
               provides Mental Health Care Services or Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders Services. It must
               meet all of the following requirements:

               •     Provides a program of treatment, approved by the Mental Health/Substance-Related and Addictive
                     Disorders Designee, under the active participation and direction of a Physician and, approved by
                     the Mental Health/Substance-Related and Addictive Disorder Designee.

               •     Has or maintains a written, specific and detailed treatment program requiring your full-time
                     residence and participation.

               •     Provides at least the following basic services in a 24-hour per day, structured setting:

                          Room and board.
                          Evaluation and diagnosis.
                          Counseling.

                          Referral and orientation to specialized community resources.
               A Residential Treatment facility that qualifies as a Hospital is considered a Hospital.

               Semi-private Room - a room with two or more beds. When an Inpatient Stay in a Semi-private Room is a
               Covered Health Care Service, the difference in cost between a Semi-private Room and a private room is
               a Benefit only when a private room is Medically Necessary, or when a Semi-private Room is not available.

               Service Fee - the periodic fee required for each Participant and each Enrolled Dependent, in accordance
               with the terms of the Plan.

               Sickness - physical illness, disease or Pregnancy. The term Sickness as used in this SPD includes
               Mental Illness or substance-related and addictive disorders, regardless of the cause or origin of the
               Mental Illness or substance-related and addictive disorder.
               Skilled Care - skilled nursing, skilled teaching and skilled rehabilitation services when all of the following
               are true:
               •     Must be delivered or supervised by licensed technical or professional medical personnel in order to
                     obtain the specified medical outcome, and provide for the safety of the patient.
               •     Ordered by a Physician.

               •     Not delivered for the purpose of helping with activities of daily living, including dressing, feeding,
                     bathing or transferring from a bed to a chair.
               •     Requires clinical training in order to be delivered safely and effectively.

               •     Not Custodial Care, which can safely and effectively be performed by trained non-medical

               Skilled Nursing Facility - a Hospital or nursing facility that is licensed and operated as required by law.
               Specialist - a Physician who has a majority of his or her practice in areas other than general pediatrics,
               internal medicine, obstetrics/gynecology, family practice or general medicine.
               Spouse - an individual to whom you are legally married.

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