Page 254 - Understanding Machine Learning
P. 254
Neural Networks
same cryptographic assumption, any hypothesis class which contains intersections
of halfspaces cannot be learned efficiently.
A widely used heuristic for training neural networks relies on the SGD frame-
work we studied in Chapter 14. There, we have shown that SGD is a successful
learner if the loss function is convex. In neural networks, the loss function is highly
nonconvex. Nevertheless, we can still implement the SGD algorithm and hope
it will find a reasonable solution (as happens to be the case in several practical
The problem of finding a hypothesis in H V ,E,σ with a low risk amounts to the prob-
lem of tuning the weights over the edges. In this section we show how to apply a
heuristic search for good weights using the SGD algorithm. Throughout this section
we assume that σ is the sigmoid function, σ(a) = 1/(1 + e −a ), but the derivation
holds for any differentiable scalar function.
Since E is a finite set, we can think of the weight function as a vector w ∈ R |E| .
Suppose the network has n input neurons and k output neurons, and denote by
h w : R → R the function calculated by the network if the weight function is defined
by w. Let us denote by (h w (x),y) the loss of predicting h w (x) when the target
is y ∈ Y. For concreteness, we will take to be the squared loss, (h w (x), y) =
1 h w (x) − y ; however, similar derivation can be obtained for every differentiable
function. Finally, given a distribution D over the examples domain, R × R ,let
L D (w) be the risk of the network, namely,
L D (w) = E [ (h w (x),y)].
Recall the SGD algorithm for minimizing the risk function L D (w). We repeat
the pseudocode from Chapter 14 with a few modifications, which are relevant to the
neural network application because of the nonconvexity of the objective function.
First, while in Chapter 14 we initialized w to be the zero vector, here we initialize w
to be a randomly chosen vector with values close to zero. This is because an initial-
ization with the zero vector will lead all hidden neurons to have the same weights
(if the network is a full layered network). In addition, the hope is that if we repeat
the SGD procedure several times, where each time we initialize the process with
a new random vector, one of the runs will lead to a good local minimum. Second,
while a fixed step size, η, is guaranteed to be good enough for convex problems,
here we utilize a variable step size, η t , as defined in Section 14.4.2. Because of the
nonconvexity of the loss function, the choice of the sequence η t is more significant,
and it is tuned in practice by a trial and error manner. Third, we output the best
performing vector on a validation set. In addition, it is sometimes helpful to add reg-
ularization on the weights, with parameter λ. That is, we try to minimize L D (w) +
λ w . Finally, the gradient does not have a closed form solution. Instead, it is
implemented using the backpropagation algorithm, which will be described in the