Page 268 - Understanding Machine Learning
P. 268
Online Learning
This tree is shattered by H. And, because of the density of the reals, this tree can be
made arbitrarily deep.
Lemma 21.6 states that Ldim(H) lower bounds the mistake bound of any algo-
rithm. Interestingly, there is a standard algorithm whose mistake bound matches this
lower bound. The algorithm is similar to the Halving algorithm. Recall that the pre-
diction of Halving is made according to a majority vote of the hypotheses which are
consistent with previous examples. We denoted this set by V t . Put another way, Halv-
ing partitions V t into two sets: V ={h ∈ V t : h(x t ) = 1} and V ={h ∈ V t : h(x t ) = 0}.
It then predicts according to the larger of the two groups. The rationale behind this
prediction is that whenever Halving makes a mistake it ends up with |V t+1 |≤ 0.5|V t |.
The optimal algorithm we present in the following uses the same idea, but
instead of predicting according to the larger class, it predicts according to the class
with larger Ldim.
Standard Optimal Algorithm (SOA)
input: A hypothesis class H
initialize: V 1 = H
for t = 1,2,...
receive x t
for r ∈{0,1} let V t ={h ∈ V t : h(x t ) = r}
predict p t = argmax Ldim(V t )
(incaseof a tiepredict p t = 1)
receive true label y t
update V t+1 ={h ∈ V t : h(x t ) = y t }
The following lemma formally establishes the optimality of the preceding
Lemma 21.7. SOA enjoys the mistake bound M SOA (H) ≤ Ldim(H).
Proof. It suffices to prove that whenever the algorithm makes a prediction mistake
we have Ldim(V t+1 ) ≤ Ldim(V t )−1. We prove this claim by assuming the contrary,
that is, Ldim(V t+1 ) = Ldim(V t ). If this holds true, then the definition of p t implies
that Ldim(V t ) = Ldim(V t ) for both r = 1and r = 0. But, then we can construct
a shaterred tree of depth Ldim(V t ) + 1for the class V t , which leads to the desired
Combining Lemma 21.7 and Lemma 21.6 we obtain:
Corollary 21.8. Let H be any hypothesis class. Then, the standard optimal algo-
rithm enjoys the mistake bound M SOA (H) = Ldim(H) and no other algorithm can
have M A (H) < Ldim(H).
Comparison to VC Dimension
In the PAC learning model, learnability is characterized by the VC dimension of
the class H. Recall that the VC dimension of a class H is the maximal number d
such that there are instances x 1 ,...,x d that are shattered by H. That is, for any