Page 90 - Understanding Machine Learning
P. 90

Nonuniform Learnability

                        for each such K n a function f n : K n →{0,1} so that no h ∈ H n agrees with f n on
                        the domain K n . Finally, define f : X →{0,1} by combining these f n ’s and prove

                        that f ∈ H \   H n .
                     5. Construct a class H 1 of functions from the unit interval [0,1] to {0,1} that is
                        nonuniformly learnable but not PAC learnable.
                     6. Construct a class H 2 of functions from the unit interval [0,1] to {0,1} that is not
                        nonuniformly learnable.
                  7.6 In this question we wish to show that the algorithm Memorize is a consistent learner
                     for every class of (binary-valued) functions over any countable domain. Let X be a
                     countable domain and let D be a probability distribution over X.
                     1. Let {x i : i ∈ N} be an enumeration of the elements of X so that for all i ≤ j,
                        D({x i }) ≤ D({x j }). Prove that

                                                  lim   D({x i }) = 0.
                     2. Given any 
> 0 prove that there exists 
 D > 0 such that
                                              D({x ∈ X : D({x}) <
 D }) <
                     3. Prove that for every η> 0, if n is such that D({x i }) <η for all i > n, then for every
                        m ∈ N,
                                         P [∃x i :(D({x i }) >η and x i /∈ S)] ≤ ne −ηm .
                                       S∼D  m
                     4. Conclude that if X is countable then for every probability distribution D over
                        X there exists a function m D :(0,1) × (0,1) → N such that for every 
,δ > 0if
                        m > m D (
                                                P [D({x : x /∈ S}) >
] <δ.
                                              S∼D m
                     5. Prove that Memorize is a consistent learner for every class of (binary-valued)
                        functions over any countable domain.
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