Page 13 - Data Science Algorithms in a Week
P. 13

x                  Luis Rabelo, Sayli Bhide and Edgar Gutierrez

                       ability to be applied in variety of healthcare systems. The methodology developed is the
                       first of this kind.
                          • Simulation Modeling: can be used as an important methodology to capture and
                       develop  knowledge  and  complement  the  implementation  of  intelligent  system.  The
                       chapter  “The  Utilization  of  Case-Based  Reasoning:  A  Case  Study  of  the  Healthcare
                       Sector Using Simulation Modeling” applies a combination of discrete event simulations
                       (DES)  and  case  based  reasoning  (CBR)  to  assist  in  solving  new  cases  in  healthcare
                       systems. An important objective of this approach is that it can improve the stakeholders’
                       involvement  by  eliminating  the  need  for  simulation  or  statistical  knowledge  or
                       experience.  A  case  study  on  EDs  which  face  multiple  resource  constraints  including
                       financial,  labor,  and  facilities  is  explained  by  Khaled  Alshareef,  Ahmad  Rahal,  and
                       Mohammed  Basingab.  The  applications  of  DES-CBR  provided  solutions  that  were
                       realistic, robust, and more importantly the results were scrutinized, and validated by field
                          • Agent Based Modeling and Simulation and its Application to E-commerce: by
                       Oloruntomi Joledo, Edgar Gutierrez, and Hathim Bukhari presents an application for a
                       peer-to-peer lending environment. The authors seek to find how systems performance is
                       affected  by  the  actions  of  stakeholders  in  an  ecommerce  system.  Dynamic  system
                       complexity and risk are considered in this research. When systems dynamics and neural
                       networks  are  combined  along  with  at  the  strategy  level  and  agent-  based  models  of
                       consumer  behavior  allows  for  a  business  model  representation  that  leads  to  reliable
                       decision-making.  The  presented  framework  shares  insights  into  the  consumer-to-
                       consumer behavior in ecommerce systems.
                          • Artificial Intelligence for the Modeling and Prediction of the Bioactivities of
                       Complex Natural Products: by Jose Prieto presents neural networks as a tool to predict
                       bioactivities for very complex chemical entities such as natural products, and suggests
                       strategies  on  the  selection  of  inputs  and  conditions  for  the  in  silico  experiments.  Jose
                       Prieto explains that neural networks can become reliable, fast and economical tools for
                       the  prediction  of  anti-inflammatory,  antioxidant,  antimicrobial  and  anti-inflammatory
                       activities, thus improving their use in medicine and nutrition.
                          •  Predictive  Analytics:  is  one  of  the  most  advanced  forms  of  analytics  and  AI
                       paradigms that are the core of these predictive systems. The chapter “Predictive Analytics
                       for  Thermal  Coal  Prices  using  Neural  Networks  and  Regression  Trees”  by  Mayra
                       Bornacelli  and  Edgar  Gutierrez  aims  to  deliver  price  predictive  analytics  models.  A
                       necessity  for  many  industries.  This  chapter  is  targeted  towards  predicting  prices  of
                       thermal  coal.  By  implementing  the  Delphi  methodology  along  with  neural  networks,
                       conclusions  can  be  reached  about  global  market  tendencies  and  variables.  Although
                       neural networks outperformed regression trees, the latter created models which can be
                       easily visualized and understood. Overall, the research found that even though the market
                       of thermal coal is dynamic and the history of its prices is not a good predictive for future
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