Page 11 - Data Science Algorithms in a Week
P. 11
Gradient descent algorithm and its implementation 140
Gradient descent algorithm 140
Visualization - comparison of models by R and gradient descent
algorithm 144
Flight time duration prediction from distance 144
Ballistic flight analysis – non-linear model 146
Summary 148
Problems 148
Chapter 7: Time Series Analysis 154
Business profit - analysis of the trend 155
Electronics shop's sales - analysis of seasonality 157
Analyzing trends using R 159
Analyzing seasonality 161
Conclusion 164
Summary 165
Problems 166
Chapter 8: Statistics 170
Basic concepts 170
Bayesian Inference 171
Distributions 171
Normal distribution 172
Cross-validation 173
K-fold cross-validation 173
A/B Testing 173
Chapter 9: R Reference 174
Introduction 174
R Hello World example 174
Comments 175
Data types 175
Integer 175
Numeric 176
String 176
List and vector 177
Data frame 177
Linear regression 178
Chapter 10: Python Reference 179
Introduction 179
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