Page 9 - Data Science Algorithms in a Week
P. 9

Table of Contents

            Preface                                                                              1

            Chapter 1: Classification Using K Nearest Neighbors                                  6
                    Mary and her temperature preferences                                         6
                    Implementation of k-nearest neighbors algorithm                             10
                    Map of Italy example - choosing the value of k                              15
                    House ownership - data rescaling                                            18
                    Text classification - using non-Euclidean distances                         20
                    Text classification - k-NN in higher-dimensions                             23
                    Summary                                                                     25
                    Problems                                                                    25
            Chapter 2: Naive Bayes                                                              29
                    Medical test - basic application of Bayes' theorem                          30
                    Proof of Bayes' theorem and its extension                                   31
                       Extended Bayes' theorem                                                  32
                    Playing chess - independent events                                          33
                    Implementation of naive Bayes classifier                                    34
                    Playing chess - dependent events                                            37
                    Gender classification - Bayes for continuous random variables               40
                    Summary                                                                     42
                    Problems                                                                    43
            Chapter 3: Decision Trees                                                           51
                    Swim preference - representing data with decision tree                      52
                    Information theory                                                          53
                       Information entropy                                                      53
                           Coin flipping                                                        54
                           Definition of information entropy                                    54
                       Information gain                                                         55
                       Swim preference - information gain calculation                           55
                    ID3 algorithm - decision tree construction                                  57
                       Swim preference - decision tree construction by ID3 algorithm            57
                       Implementation                                                           58
                    Classifying with a decision tree                                            64
                       Classifying a data sample with the swimming preference decision tree     65
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