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P. 6

Truths Learned .............................................. 108
                                    Salvation is Not Just Believing in His Existence. ....... 116
                                    Jesus Christ Had Authority to Lay Down His Life and
                                    Take it Up. ................................................................... 118
                                    Jesus Christ is the High Priest and Mediator Who
                                    Makes Intercession for Sinners. ................................. 119
                                    The Veil in The Temple Tore - Earthly Priests No
                                    Longer Atone for People’s Sins. .................................. 123
                                    The Will of God. .......................................................... 124
                                    Obeying Jesus Christ is Wise. ..................................... 125
                                    Jesus Christ Wants a Relationship With Us. .............. 125
                                    Priests Are Those Who Have Received the Holy Spirit.
                                     ..................................................................................... 128
                                    The Bible (Word of God) is the Sole Authority and
                                    Source of Truth. .......................................................... 129
                                    Tradition...................................................................... 130
                                    Old Covenant vs. New Covenant. ................................ 131
                                    We Must Repent. ......................................................... 133
                                    Praying to the Father in Jesus Christ’s Name and
                                    Confessing Sin. ............................................................ 135
                                    The Holy Spirit/Spiritual Baptism/Being Born Again.
                                     ..................................................................................... 138
                                    The Holy Spirit and the Christian’s Body. .................. 141
                                    Fruits of the Holy Spirit (Love, Joy, Peace,
                                    Longsuffering, Gentleness, Faith, Meekness). ........... 143
                                    Sanctification. ............................................................. 144
                                    Witchcraft, the Occult, Familiar Spirits. .................... 145
                                    Items Do Not Protect or Save. .................................... 145
                                    Christ-followers Are No Longer Slaves to Sin. ........... 146
                                    False Doctrine. ............................................................ 147
                                    False Teachers. ............................................................ 149
                                    Calling Others “Father.” .............................................. 150
                                    Hell. ............................................................................. 151
                                    The Devil. .................................................................... 154
                                    Satan’s Followers Can Perform Signs. ........................ 155

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