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P. 9

Warnings, Legal Disclaimers,

                                       Definitions, and Other Notes


                                       I share some details about demonic oppression and

                                possession in this book, so younger children should only read
                                it with their parent's guidance. I went into detail to explain
                                how I fell into such darkness and to demonstrate how various
                                “solutions” failed.

                                       In 2006, I had been diagnosed with schizoaffective
                                disorder (schizophrenia and bipolar disorder), severe

                                anxiety, and severe depression. I had been diagnosed with
                                Attention Deficit Disorder in 2001 and was taking prescribed
                                Adderall for treatment. I eventually became addicted to the
                                Adderall after developing a tolerance to it. I found out
                                recently    that    Adderall    can     cause    drug-induced

                                schizophrenia. I also had been involved in occult practices
                                before hearing voices. Many people involved in the occult
                                also    experience     symptoms      of    schizophrenia     or
                                schizoaffective disorder, such as hallucinations and

                                delusions. Therefore, this book touches on both topics.

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