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P. 14
Visio perceptions. This includes seeing spirit
beings that other people cannot see with their
ordinary or human sense of sight.
Auditory sensing. This is where one’s sense of
hearing can hear voices of spirit beings that other
people cannot hear with their ordinary or human
sense of hearing.
Olfactory Sensing. This is where one’s sense of
smell can smell odors in an environment that
other people cannot smell with their ordinary or
human sense of smelling.
Sensing a presence. This is where an individual
sense a spirit being is around. Most times they
can also say it’s hiding, but it’s around
somewhere. The person may say it’s watching
everybody’s movements, and so on.
Gondwe also states:
The above list is by no means exhaustive. It just
outlines the major areas of such spiritual
manifestation. Some experience only one or two
kinds of manifestations. Others experience more
than one. You’ll notice that all the above are
spiritual experiences beyond our ordinary or
earthly senses.