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P. 17
Chapter One
IGNORANCE IS NOT always bliss. We sometimes hear ads,
phrases, or jingles that sound good but are not true. Some
would even harm us if we didn’t already know the “legal
disclaimer” to the jingle. For instance, most of us know that
we can have a “coke and a smile,” but it won't be a healthy
one, with our original teeth, if we don’t brush and floss
regularly due to the sugar and acid content in Coca-Cola.
If anyone had told me that I would go from not
believing in demons to thinking I was being tormented by
demons shortly before being diagnosed with schizoaffective
disorder at the age of 36, I wonder if I would have been more
careful about the religious path I was about to take. Would I
have wanted to hear the truth, or would I have wanted to stay
I am an only child who was born in Utah but raised in
Texas. My mother would tell you that I was born
independent! I was born premature weighing 5lbs and 3
ounces, but I never had symptoms of schizoaffective disorder
until the age of 36. I had some depression in my 20’s based
on difficult circumstances and was diagnosed with Attention