Page 27 - NSRI_ORC 140 User Manual
P. 27

If no flames observed:
         o  If no flames are observed, Bosun to enter engine room to investigate source of smoke.
        o  Bosun to enter engine room with communications headset on to communicate with cox-
        swain/helmsman with handheld extinguisher.
        o  If it is a small fire that can be controlled by the Bosun with a handheld fire extinguisher,
        shut down both engines.
        o  Bosun to put out the small fire and get the vessel up and running with one or two

      If flames observed in engine room:
        o  Shut down engine.
        o  Close 4 x fuel shut off valves.
        o  Activate engine room StatX fire suppression system by pushing red button on the StatX panel
        on the left of the wheelhouse steering wheel.
        o  Navigator to call Mayday on the VHF Radio/DSC following normal Mayday procedure.
        o  All attempts must be made to get the fire under control.
        o  If the fire gets out of control, the last resort is to abandon ship off the bow of the rescue
        vessel, taking capsize container, EPIRB, VHF Radio, fresh water, and rations.

      Fire in the Wheelhouse/ Forward Cabin/ Tanks space:
       •  Coxswain/helmsman to switch off Engine room fans.
       •  Remaining deck crew to close engine room air vent fire hatches on aft deck port side and star-
       board sides of the wheelhouse.
       •  Shut down engines.
      •  Close 4 x fuel shut off valves.
      •  Bosun and one deck crew member to extinguish fire, using hand held fire extinguishers. All
      attempts to be made to get the fire under control.

       •  Navigator to call Mayday on the VHF Radio/DSC following normal Mayday procedure
      •  If the fire gets out of control, the last resort is to abandon ship off the bow of the rescue vessel,
      taking capsize container, EPIRB, VHF Radio, fresh water, and rations.

      Fire in the Wheelhouse/ Forward Cabin/ Tanks space:
      •  Execute the Standard Actions in case of a Fire Alarm.
      •  Boson to investigate with one member of the deck crew and find the source of the smoke or fire
      and extinguish it using a handheld fire extinguisher if required.

      •  Coxswain/helmsman to switch off engine room fans.
      •  Remaining deck crew to close engine room air vent fire hatches on aft deck port side and star-
      board sides of the wheelhouse.
      •  Shut down engines.
      •  Fire is to be extinguished by Bosun and one deck crew member, using hand held fire extinguish-

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