Page 5 - NSRI_ORC 140 User Manual
P. 5

It has clear superiority in rough sea conditions relative to any other conventional fast hull, with
      round, single or double chine design.

      The ORC also offers exceptional comfort in rough seas, with the “beak” causing less vertical
      acceleration (G Force), and reduced impact on landing. The hull design has a deep V at the bow,
      with the flare decreasing aft ward and terminating reverse chimes at the stern section of the

      Adjustable trim controls are fitted to either side aft of the transom centreline below the waterline.
      Just aft of the twin rudders, in line with the twin counter rotating 5 blade propellers, there is a fin
      fitted to the keel of the vessel for longitudinal stability, and it offers some protection to the propel-
      lers and rudders. Each trim control surface is controlled by a hydraulic actuator (cylinder) or elec-
      tric actuator attached to the hull. The Trim control switches are mounted on the helmsman’s con-
      sole and flybridge together with an indicator of trim position on the dashboard.

      Dive platforms above the waterline of the stern provides protection for the trim tabs and associat-
      ed hydraulics, and is used for recovering survivors out of the water.
      There are 4 bulkheads in the hull, of which three are fitted with watertight doors. The compart-
      ments, from forward to aft, are:

      •  Fore peak and chain locker
      •  Forward cabin
      •  Tank compartment
      •  Engine room
      •  Steering compartment

      Access is not normally available to the forepeak, which is sealed off with a removable aluminium
      plate. All void spaces below the forepeak and forward cabin compartments are enclosed and
      sealed, making the forepeak compartments a watertight void. The same applies to the compart-
      ments under the forward cabin floor.

      The bronze twin rudders are installed aft of the propellers. The twin five-bladed propellers are cast
      NAB (aluminium, bronze), 27.5” diameter x 36.75” pitch, and fitted to 60 mm Marinemet 25 Stain-
      less Steel shafts.

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