Page 10 - NSRI_ORC 140 User Manual
P. 10
Sailor 6215 VHF radio
The vessel is fitted with two Sailor 6215 VHF radios on the dashboard,
with telephone handsets.
Each radio has a Command Mic fitted, the Coxswain VHF Command Mic
is on the Fly bridge and has all the functions of the radio display.
The Helmsman VHF radio Command Mic is at the Navigator desk.
Two VHF handhelds are provided. Their chargers are fitted on the navi-
gation deck behind the Coxswain’s seat.
Sailor 6215 VHF radio
The Hyteria VHJF Trunking radio is fitted to the Navigator’s desk console
for longer distance private communications with the rescue base, NSRI
Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) or any of the NSRI rescue ves-
sels/rescue bases fitted with this communication system.
FLIR M – 324XP camera
The vessel is fitted with a Forward-Looking Infra-Red (FLIR) camera
which is operated from the Coxswain’s seat. All three chart plotter
screens can see the FLIR image when displayed.
Jotron vessel communications system
The vessel is fitted with an internal communications system.
The vessel is divided into four communication zones, being the wheel-
house, fly bridge and aft deck, the forward cabin, and the engine room.
GME FM radio
There is a GME FM radio fitted at the Navigator’s desk, with two speakers
mounted at the rear of the wheelhouse.
Spot Satellite Tracking system
The rescue vessel is fitted with a Spot Satellite tracking transponder
which updates the vessel’s location every 5 minutes. This can be tracked
on the Spot tracking app on a smart phone or PC.
Furuno AIS FA – 50
The vessel is fitted with Furuno class B AIS unit for tracking AIS targets
and transmitting the rescue vessel’s navigation info to other vessels in
the area. This can be received by AIS terrestrial stations as well as satel-
lite-based receivers, enabling the tracking of vessels on sites such as
Marine Traffic and Fleet Monitor.