Page 205 - fourth year book
P. 205


                         Two-step TST testing for TB infection and TB disease

              B. Interferon Gamma Release Assays (IGRAs)

              -  It detects the presence of M. tuberculosis infection by measuring the
                 immune response to TB proteins in the whole blood.

              -  Results  can  be  available  in  24  hours  (depending  on  the  batching  of
                 specimens by the laboratory and transport)


              -  People who have received BCG, (unlike the TST, IGRAs is not affected
                 by prior BCG vaccination).

              -  People who have a difficult time returning for a second appointment
                 to look for a reaction to the Tuberculin Skin Test (TST)

              Results and interpretation:

                  Positive IGRA: means that the person has been infected with TB
                     bacteria. Additional tests are needed to determine if the person has
                     latent TB infection or TB disease then the health care worker can
                     provide treatment as needed.

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