Page 215 - fourth year book
P. 215
Goal: By the end of this lecture, the students will be able to develop
effective strategies for prevention and control of viral hepatitis c.
Intended Learning Objectives of Course (ILOs)
a. Knowledge and Understanding:
1. Define the meaning of Corona viruses
2. Recognize the prevalence and incidence of COVID-19
3. Identify the predisposing factors affecting the prevalence and
incidence of COVID-19
4. Recognize the problems affecting the quality of life of individuals
and families with COVID-19.
b. Intellectual Skills:
1. Develop short-and long-term care plans for patient with COVID-19
2. Discuss the role of the community nurse in care of chronically ill
patient and in control/prevention of COVID-19
3. Identify the appropriate referral services and other sources of
support to the patients.
c. Professional and Practical Skills
1. Conduct the problem solving techniques to overcome any faced
2. Implement the nursing care according to plan
3. Guide the client about the importance of periodical
checkups/compliance of treatment
4. Involve the affected members in the nursing care plan
5. Instruct individual about the need for behavior modification Refer
client to appropriate services, community resources and other
sources of support relevant to their specific needs.
6. Evaluate the care provided
General and Transferable Skills:
1. Use infection prevention measures when dealing with clients
2. Appreciate the individual behavior modification
3. Develop updated knowledge by searching on scientific websites
4. Use internet - evidence based search -to search about the new
advances in diagnosis & management of COVID-19