Page 18 - The Wellborn 2R Beef Story eBook
P. 18
Where the West Begins
Wellborn 2R Ranch in Clay County, Texas is uniquely situated just Longhorn herd of cattle resting along the banks of the Red River in Clay
a few miles west of the 98th Meridian, the line of longitude that County, Texas. The famous Chisholm Trail lies just a few miles east of
separates the Eastern United States from the West. Our ranch the county line so cowboys would often use the area ranges to rest their
is part of a large area identified as The Great Plains, and has cattle along their journey north. Photo taken in 1888, courtesy of the Clay
County Historical Society.
centuries of history on it.
Quanah Parker,
Long before Clay County was settled, Comanche Indians Comanche Chief,
dominated the area and buffalo grazed on the native grass photographed in Clay
prairies. Famous Comanche Chief Quanah Parker was a frequent County Texas in 1899.
visitor to the area. In his role as the Tribe’s
leader, he traveled across
Clay County was officially settled in 1857, but when soldiers the nation extensively,
withdrew from the area at the end of the Civil War, Indian attacks making frequent stops
in Clay County, Texas,
forced the early settlers out. They didn’t return until the early trading with area
1870s, setting up Henrietta as the county seat. merchants and ranchers.
We are proud that the ranch has been such an integral part Photo credit: Irwin, William E.
courtesy of the Clay County
of Texas’ history. We try to honor the generations that came Historical Society.
before us on this land, and we work hard to preserve it’s western
heritage, while being careful stewards to leave it in the best
possible condition for the generations that come after us.