Page 21 - The Wellborn 2R Beef Story eBook
P. 21
You can’t get any more “American” than the American
Cowboy. And the number one place to find American
cowboys is Texas. For 150 years, top hand cowboys have
been riding the ranges of the Wellborn 2R Ranch and to
this day, the ranch is home to some of the finest cowboys
you will ever meet.
Riding herd and checking cattle at the Sanzenbacher Ranch.
Photograph taken in 1923~Courtesy of the Clay County Historical Society.
Pitching hay to cattle on the Sanzenbacher Ranch near the
turn of the 20th Century. Photograph taken in 1900~Courtesy of the
Clay County Historical Society.
Cowboys of the Scheer Ranch in the 1920s. This ranch is
now known as the Wellborn 2R Ranch Photograph taken in
1900~Courtesy of the Clay County Historical Society.