Page 25 - The Wellborn 2R Beef Story eBook
P. 25

Left: D.E. Reese, father Earl Wayne Reese,
                                                                                                       longtime manager of Wellborn 2R Ranch,
                                                                                                       driving a historic herd of Hereford cattle to
                                                                                                       the pens for the cowboy crew to work. At
                                                                                                       the time this photo was taken the ranch was
                                                                                                       known as the Priddy 2R Ranch.

                                                                                                       Below: Barn and windmill on the Ikard
                                                                                                       Ranch. Written on back of photo, “This
                                                                                                       barn stood at the location, six miles west of
                                                                                                       Henrietta on the Ikard ranch where Captain
                                                                                                       Will S. Ikard brought the first Hereford cattle
                                                                                                       to Texas in 1876 from Beacher, Illinois. Dr.
                                                                                                       A.B. Edwards bought this ranch from Captain
                                                                                                       Ikard in 1910 and sold it to his younger son,
                                                                                                       A.B. Kirk Edwards in 1942. This barn was
                                                                                                       distroyed by a windstorm in 1953. Photograph
                                                                                                       taken in  1900~Courtesy of the Clay County Historical

            Always seeking the best genetics available at the time, the
            Wellborn 2R Ranch had these historic Hereford cattle on our
            ranges in the beginning and throughout most of the 1900s.
            Later in the 20th century we started switching from Hereford
            to full Angus bloodlines. The Angus breed has a proven history
            of providing the best possible cattle genetics to farmers
            and ranchers worldwide. We look to Angus to fulfill genetic
            requirements — calving ease, high growth, carcass value —
            that set the stage for a genetially superior cow herd and with
            carcass traits that yield prime beef.

            We are proud that our ranch has had such a significant role
            in Texas history and now plays such a role in it’s future. We
            still raise our cattle on native grass pastures like they did 150
            years ago tended to by real Texas cowboys, but our genetic
            technology has improved significantly and we pay premium
            prices to finish them on an all natural grain diet. The result is
            an amazing homegrown, ranch raised product that is high-
            end choice or prime with off-the-charts flavor.
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