Page 109 - The Love Hypothesis
P. 109

to sulk. Chase, another lab mate, followed him inside a moment later with

                an uneasy expression and started gingerly patting his back.
                    Olive looked longingly at her RNA samples. Then she stepped closer to
                Greg’s bench and asked, “What’s wrong?”

                    She had expected the answer to be The production of my reagent has
                been discontinued, or My p-value is .06, or Grad school was a mistake, but

                now it’s too late to back out of it because my self-worth is unbreakably tied
                to my academic performance, and what would even be left of me if I decided

                to drop out?
                    Instead what she got was: “Your stupid boyfriend is what’s wrong.”

                    By now the fake dating had been going on for over two weeks: Olive
                didn’t startle anymore when someone referred to Adam as her boyfriend.
                Still, Greg’s words were so unexpected and full of venom that she couldn’t

                help but answer, “Who?”
                    “Carlsen.” He spat the name out like a curse.

                    “He’s  on  Greg’s  dissertation  committee,”  Chase  explained  in  a

                significantly milder tone, not quite meeting Olive’s eyes.
                    “Oh. Right.” This could be bad. Very bad. “What happened?”

                    “He failed my proposal.”
                    “Shit.” Olive bit into her lower lip. “I’m sorry, Greg.”
                    “This is going to set me back a lot. It’ll take me months to revise it, all

                because  Carlsen  had  to  go  and  nitpick.  I  didn’t  even  want  him  on  my
                committee; Dr. Aslan forced me to add him because she’s so obsessed with

                his stupid computational stuff.”
                    Olive  chewed  on  the  inside  of  her  cheek,  trying  to  come  up  with

                something meaningful to say and failing miserably. “I’m really sorry.”
                    “Olive, do you guys talk about this stuff?” Chase asked out of the blue,

                eyeing her suspiciously. “Did he tell you he wasn’t going to pass Greg?”
                    “What? No. No, I . . .” I talk to him for exactly fifteen minutes a week.
                And, okay, I’ve kissed him. Twice. And I sat on his lap. Once. But it’s just

                that, and Adam—he speaks very little. I actually wish he spoke more, since I
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