Page 61 - The Love Hypothesis
P. 61

It was a little over a month from now. But also . . . “That’s a weirdly

                specific date.” Olive racked her head, trying to figure out why it could be
                meaningful. The only thing that came to mind was that she’d be in Boston
                that week for the annual biology conference.

                    “It’s  the  day  after  the  department’s  final  budget  review.  If  they  don’t
                release my funds by then, they won’t release them at all.”

                    “I see. Well, then, let’s agree that on September twenty-ninth we part
                ways. I’ll tell Anh that our breakup was amicable but that I’m a little sad

                about it because I still have a bit of a crush on you.” She grinned at him.
                “Just  so  she  won’t suspect that I’m still hung  up on Jeremy. Okay.” She

                took a deep breath. “Fifth and last.”
                    This  was  the  tricky  one.  The  one  she  was  afraid  he’d  object  to.  She
                noticed that she was wringing her hands and placed them firmly in her lap.

                    “For this to work we should probably . . . do things together. Every once
                in a while.”

                    “Things. Stuff.”

                    “Stuff,” he repeated dubiously.
                    “Yep. Stuff. What do you do for fun?” He was probably into something

                atrocious, like cow-tipping excursions or Japanese beetle fighting. Maybe
                he collected porcelain dolls. Maybe he was an avid geocacher. Maybe he
                frequented vaping conventions. Oh God.

                    “Fun?” he repeated, like he’d never heard the word before.
                    “Yeah. What do you do when you’re not at work?”

                    The length of time that passed between Olive’s question and his answer
                was  alarming.  “Sometimes  I  work  at  home,  too.  And  I  work  out.  And  I

                    She  had  to  actively  stop  herself  from  face-palming.  “Um,  great.

                Anything else?”
                    “What do you do for fun?” he asked, somewhat defensively.
                    “Plenty of things. I . . .” Go to the movies. Though she hadn’t been since

                the last time Malcolm had dragged her. Play board games. But every single
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