Page 65 - The Love Hypothesis
P. 65

retrospect, that might have been when Malcolm started wishing a plague on

                the  Carlsen  house  (he  had  been  rehearsing  for  Romeo  and  Juliet  at  the
                    “Malcolm, can we please talk about this?”

                    “We’re talking.”
                    “No, you are cooking and I am just standing here, trying to get you to

                acknowledge that you are mad because Adam—”
                    Malcolm turned away from his casserole, wagging his finger in Olive’s

                direction. “Do not say it.”
                    “Do not say what?”

                    “You know what.”
                    “Adam Carl—?”
                    “Do not say his name.”

                    She threw her hands up. “This is crazy. It’s fake, Malcolm.”
                    He went back to chopping the asparagus. “Pass the salt.”

                    “Are you even listening? It’s not real.”
                    “And the pepper, and the—”

                    “The relationship, it’s fake. We’re not really dating. We’re pretending so
                people will think that we’re dating.”

                    Malcolm’s hands stopped mid-chop. “What?”
                    “You heard me.”
                    “Is it a . . . friends-with-benefits arrangement? Because—”

                    “No.  It’s  the opposite. There are no benefits. Zero benefits. Zero sex.
                Zero friends, too.”

                    He stared at her, narrow-eyed. “To be clear, oral and butt stuff totally
                counts as sex—”

                    He  took  a  step  closer,  grabbing  a  dishrag  to  wipe  his  hands,  nostrils

                flaring. “I’m scared to ask.”
                    “I know it sounds ridiculous. He’s helping me out by pretending we’re
                together because I  lied to Anh,  and I  need her to feel okay about dating

                Jeremy. It’s all fake. Adam and I have talked exactly”—she decided on the
                spot to omit any information pertinent to The Night—“three times, and I
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