Page 69 - The Love Hypothesis
P. 69

Chapter Four

                             HYPOTHESIS: Adam Carlsen and I have absolutely nothing in common,
                          and having coffee with him will be twice as painful as a root canal. Without

                Olive arrived to the first fake-dating Wednesday late and in the foulest of

                moods, after a morning spent growling at her cheap, knockoff reagents for
                not dissolving, then not precipitating, then not sonicating, then not being

                enough for her to run her entire assay.
                    She paused outside the coffee shop’s door and took a deep breath. She

                needed  a  better  lab  if  she  wanted  to  produce  decent  science.  Better
                equipment. Better reagents. Better bacteria cultures. Better everything. Next
                week, when Tom Benton arrived, she had to be on top of her game. She

                needed  to  prepare  her  spiel,  not  waste  time  on  a  coffee  she  didn’t
                particularly want, with a person she most definitely didn’t want to talk to,

                halfway through her experimental protocol.
                    When she stepped inside the café, Adam was already there, wearing a

                black  Henley  that  looked  like  it  was  ideated,  designed,  and  produced
                specifically with the upper half of his body in mind. Olive was momentarily

                bemused, not so much that his clothes fit him well, but that she’d noticed
                what someone was wearing to begin with. It was not like her. She’d been

                seeing Adam traipse around the biology building for the better part of two
                years,  after  all,  not  to  mention  that  in  the  past  couple  of  weeks  they’d

                spoken an inordinate amount of times. They had even kissed, if one counted
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