Page 70 - The Love Hypothesis
P. 70

what had happened on The Night as a proper kiss. It was dizzying and a

                little unsettling, the realization that sank into her as they got in line to order
                their coffee.
                    Adam Carlsen was handsome.

                    Adam Carlsen, with his long nose and wavy hair, with his full lips and
                angular face that shouldn’t have fit together but somehow did, was really,

                really, really handsome. Olive had no clue why it hadn’t registered before,
                or why what made her realize it was him putting on a plain black shirt.

                    She willed herself to stare ahead at the drink menu instead of his chest.
                In the coffee shop, there were a total of three biology grad students, one

                pharmacology  postdoc,  and  one  undergraduate  research  assistant  eyeing
                them. Perfect.
                    “So. How are you?” she asked, because it was the thing to do.

                    “Fine. You?”

                    It  occurred  to  Olive  that  maybe  she  hadn’t  thought  this  through  as
                thoroughly  as  she  should  have.  Because  being  seen  together  might  have

                been their goal, but standing next to each other in silence was not going to
                fool  anyone  into  thinking  that  they  were  blissfully  dating.  And  Adam

                was . . . well. He seemed unlikely to initiate any kind of conversation.
                    “So.” Olive shifted her weight to the balls of her feet a couple of times.
                “What’s your favorite color?”

                    He looked at her, confused. “What?”
                    “Your favorite color.”

                    “My favorite color?”

                    There was a crease between his eyes. “I—don’t know?”
                    “What do you mean you don’t know?”

                    “They’re colors. They’re all the same.”
                    “There must be one you like most.”
                    “I don’t think so.”

                    “I don’t know.”
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