Page 97 - It Ends with Us
P. 97
His mouth is fierc e and need y, kissing me ev er ywhere he can rea ch.
I grow so dizzy, I can do no thi ng but succumb to hi m. He’s
una pologet ic in the way he fucks me. His ha nd comes bet ween my
hea dboard and the top of my hea d as he pushes ha rder and ha rder,
the bed crashi ng agains t the wall with ev er y push.
My fing erna ils dig int o the skin of hi s back as he buries hi s face
agains t my nec k.
“R yle, ” I whi sper.
“Oh, God,” I say.
“R yle! ” I screa m.
And the n I bite down on hi s sho ulder to muffle ev er y sound tha t
comes after it. My who le body feel s it—f rom my hea d to my toes and
back up again.
I’m afraid I might litera lly pass out for a moment , so I tight en my
leg s around hi m and he ten ses . “Jesus, Lily.” His body ripples with
tremo rs, and he sho ves agains t me one last time. He groans , stilling
hi msel f on top of me. His body jerk s with hi s rel ea se and my hea d falls
back agains t the pillow.
It’s a full minut e bef ore ei ther of us is able to move. And ev en
then, we cho ose no t to. He pres ses hi s face int o the pillow and let s out
a deep sigh. “I can’t . . .” He pulls back and looks down at me. His
ey es are full of somet hi ng . . . I don’t kno w wha t. He pres ses hi s lips to
mine and then says, “You were so right .”
“About wha t?”
He slowly pulls out of me, coming down on hi s forea rms. “You
warned me. You said one time with you wouldn’t be eno ugh. You said
you were like a drug. But you failed to tel l me you wer e the most
addictive kind .”