Page 98 - It Ends with Us
P. 98

Chapter Ten

                “Can  I ask you a pers ona l question?”
                    Allysa nods as she  per fec ts a bouquet  of flowers  about to go out for
                del iver y.  We’re   three   days  away  from  our       grand   openi ng ,  and   it  just
                keep s get ting  busier  by the  day.

                    “Wha t  is  it?”  Allysa  asks,  facing  me.   She  lea ns   int o  the  count er  and
                starts picking  at her  fing erna ils.
                    “You don’t ha ve  to ans wer  it if you don’t want  to,” I warn.
                    “Wel l I can’t ans wer  it if you don’t ask it.”
                    That ’s a  good  point. “Do you and  Marsha ll dona te to cha rity?”

                    Conf usion  crosses  her  face  and  she  says, “Yea h.  Why ?”
                    I  shru g.  “I  was  just  curious.  I  wouldn’t  judge  you  or  any thi ng .  I’ve
                just been  thi nk ing  latel y about ho w I might  like  to start a cha rity.”
                    “Wha t kind  of cha rity?” she  asks. “We  dona te  to a few  different  ones
                no w  tha t  we  ha ve  money,  but  my  favorite  is  thi s  one      we  got  inv olved
                with   last   yea r.   They    build   schools   in   other   count ries .   We’v e   fund ed
                three  new  cons tructions  in  the  past yea r alone. ”

                    I knew I liked  he r for a  reas on.
                    “I   don’t   ha ve   tha t   kind    of   money,   obviously,   but   I’d   like   to   do
                somethi ng. I just don’t kno w wha t yet .”
                    “Let ’s  get   thro ugh  thi s  grand   openi ng   firs t  and   then   you  can  start
                thi nk ing    about   phi lant hro py.   One   drea m    at   a   time,    Lily.”   She   walks
                around   the  count er  and   grabs  the  trash  can.   I  watch  as  she  pulls  the

                full bag out of it and  ties  it in  a kno t. It makes  me  wond er  why —i f she
                ha s  peo ple  for  ev er ythi ng —s he  would  ev en  want   a  job  where       she  ha d
                to take  out the  trash  and  get  her  ha nd s dirty.
                    “Why  do you work here?”  I ask her.
                    She  glances  up at me  and  smiles . “Bec ause  I like  you,”  she  says. But
                then    I   no tice   the   smile   complet el y   lea ve   her   ey es    right    bef ore   she
                turns    and   walks   toward    the   back   to   thro w   out   the   trash.    When   she

                comes  back, I’m still watchi ng  her  curiously. I say it again.
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