Page 20 - Poze Magazine Volume 42--Digital
P. 20

I traveled with a local band by the name of
                                                                    Zecreto for 15 playing keys for them
                                                                    making about 5000 a piece per week there
                                                                    were 7 members we traveled the whole

                                                                    USA. Working from Tuesday thru
                                                                    Saturdays. I must admit it was hard living
                                                                    from a suit case but I wouldn't trade it for
                                                                    the world. As I am now older, I still miss the

                                                                    During this sting we got kick out or ask to

                                                                    come back and open up for artist bands ,
                                                                    because they didn't want us to embarrass
                                                                    them ,even to the point they got stage
                                                                    while we were performing to see if we had
                                                                    a lip-syncing machine. Which we didn't ,

                                                                    during all this time we never recorded so
                                                                    no we didn't have one.

   Time has past I left the group and started my               I have recorded a few songs one in particular
   own called DA'RE and also the members names                 that everyone like is called My Lady Luck, that
   Danny, Arthur, Ruben, and Eddie also meaning                Mr. Gerry Peters wants me to record at his
   "To Give" which is what we did. We gave our                 studio in Nashville , he believe it a great song.

   audience. The very best. But before I formed this  Among others. Have various radio interviews
   band, I became a singer/song writer for this                with Bnet Radio with Mr. Bonti and Sound
   group till after 15 years together they left me             engineer Ignacio Falcon at Houston, Texas very
   hanging at a gig with everything setup and they             own studio Bulls Recording Studio. This one
   never showed up. The reason they gave me was                caught me of guard . I was home when I
   because I was working them to be it.                received a call from Mexico City Mexico from

                                                               Sangre Mexicana a radio station that only
   Now I just past the time jamming with different             interviews Artist, so I made their list. It was a
   musicians about 20 of them, they all know my                great interview to say the lease. If I was to die
   songs. so if I get a gig they follow after all I would  today .I would have been so happy and great

   at 100 dollars an hour per musician wouldn't you. full for all those Blessing my God has given me.
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