Page 20 - Poze Magazine Vol.31(monthly-Barbie Wills Dymond)
P. 20

One of the most overwhelming
       experiences of my career was when

       the State Mayakovsky Museum in
       Moscow invited me to perform “The

       Panjandrum of Quondam” at the
       Museum. I haven’t managed to do
       this yet, but I am working towards it!

       I would say that the pinnacle of
       success was when I received and

       read an email from the Director of
       the Margot Fonteyn Academy saying
       they    wanted       to    collaborate       to

       produce a ballet performance about
       my Plath poem “Candy Cotton Kid

       and The Faustian Wolf” I celebrated
       every day for a month!
       Then more recently word came

       through from Sergei Polunin about
       choreographing           a      ballet       in

       collaboration with me based on my
       epic “The Panjandrum of Quondam”!
       Sergei will be Mayakovsky!

  8) Are there any new projects you're working on that we could look forward to?

      The new projects are the two ballets and the ideas are coming through thick and fast

      already. The Director of the Margot Fonteyn Ballet Academy loves the ideas I am having
      and we are attuned to this process. I am honoured to have a choreographer with
      40years experience to work with! Truly honoured and humbled. There’s a short film

      based on my epic “The Warring Harridan” in pre-production. Along with 3 other short
      films based on my poetry soundtracks. I’m writing a screenplay and a sequel based on

      my controversial life story and both productions will include my poetry. I have a
      Director/Producer for both productions. I am also studying for a PhD. I have plans to do
      a further PhD thereafter. My projects and studies are all big projects and will take a

      number of years to bring to fruition. I would really like to take on new challenges and
      maybe retire. I am 64 this year and I still work at the fast pace of a young woman and

      still look like a young woman a lot of the time! But anyone who says it’s too late to
      succeed and sets up road blocks for themselves are foolish. I am realising now that I am
      in the prime of my life and the wisdom and life experiences I’ve had are unequivocally

      the catalysts for my extraordinary writing. If you’re dealt a difficult hand in life you have
      to be adept enough to play it with determination to win at all costs!
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