Page 15 - Poze Magazine Vol.31(monthly-Barbie Wills Dymond)
P. 15
6) Your work is and I have been gang facts – but the true facts
continuously reaching stalked for years and out to people who don’t
further to international forced almost into know what is really going
obscurity. I though at on, in the hope that the
audiences. Can you
one point that they were information will gradually
explain about your
going to kill me and force the darkness into view
success for your poetry make it look like a and the light will then
piece "Candy Cotton Kid suicide! My words have obscure it through sincere
and The Faustian Wolf"? almost cost me my life in activism and a collective will
more ways than one and to protect those who need
Yes. I will explain more fully,
as this is a very necessary on many occasions! I say to be protected, by revising
extension to the activism that God gives his systems, rules and
toughest jobs to his regulations that are long
and leads us into the
passion for me to attract as strongest warriors. overdue for changes for the
much attention for my work Activists are a breed who better and for them to be
as possible, because that is cannot curb their beliefs more appropriately defined
where my passion manifests and determination to and implemented.
make the world a better
the right results in the
everyday world. My work place and protect those
tends to closely deal with who are vulnerable. I see
injustice and my best many women, children,
writing comes from the disabled or
compromised people
point of that anger and
injustice. The light my work and animals as the most
shines on darkness is driven vulnerable in all societies
by a will to eradicate across the globe.
exploitation so prevalent in Prisoners imprisoned
and paying the price for
the world today. It takes a
true activist to challenge crimes they didn’t
authorities directly and one commit and corruption
often gets ignored, in the justice system are
intimidated or treated in a all areas that cause
concern and motivate
generally malicious manner,
or at the very worst me to challenge the
targeted and/or murdered. I relevant authorities.
was made a “Target The only way to effect
Individual” because of my change is to get the facts
– not the manipulated,
outspoken, radical works
fear-based, media fueled