Page 10 - Poze Magazine Vol.31(monthly-Barbie Wills Dymond)
P. 10

4) You are now collaborating                   poetry,      and      her

      with The Margot Fonteyn Ballet                 writing in general
      Academy to create a particular                 every day and night

      performance piece about Sylvia                 for a whole year and
      Plath. Can you tell us more                    it struck me that

      about this collaboration?                      there were so many
                                                     links that nobody
      The      collaboration        with     the     had explored to the

      Director of the Margot Fonteyn                 degree that these
      Academy in the USA is a huge,                  important       matters

      major project in the early stages              should have been
      of collaboration to produce a                  explored.       I   read
      choreographed ballet. This ballet              everything         there       “The mind is either a

      performance will be 30 - 45 mins               was to read about              disaster or a carefully
      in length and based on my epic                 Sylvia     Plath,     her      cultivated refined
                                                                                    master” C. Swan
      poem/theory on the life and                    poetry       and      her
      suicide of American poet, Sylvia               husband               Ted guiding           me        I     felt
      Plath! This epic is 18 stanzas in              Hughes       and       his determined to find out

      length with extensive substantial              poetry and then set why so many people are in
      notes.      I     am      a      qualified     about writing about denial about the enormity

      hypnotherapist and I utilise my                my findings coupled of Ted Hughes’ behaviour
      knowledge and experience with                  with             Sylvia’s and         unethical      use     of
      my accomplished background and                 presence – it was hypnosis on Sylvia when

      professional life to cultivate my              what        I      found she was clearly in a very
      poetry and writing in general. It’s            reading in between fragile                and       disturbed

      like I am collaborating with many              the lines and the mental,                  emotional       and
      different parts of myself as well as           questions            and psychological           state,     she
      others. My work is sometimes                   answers that should was also falling into what I

      described      as visceral, astute,            have     been      more consider             to      be      an
      eloquent and erudite.                          closely explored and overwhelming                   psychosis

      I often examine darker and taboo               understood           that and was suffering from
      societal subject-matter in my                  took me on a very postnatal                      depression,
      work that many shy away from                   long journey closely these                 factors        were

      and bring them to life on a                    guided      by     Sylvia undoubtedly a truly lethal
      creative centre stage to enlighten             herself.     I    visited cocktail and her husband

      audiences.       This     epic     is   no     Sylvia’s grave and was the bar tender who
      exception. I am also spiritual                 that was a very shook and served her the
      medium         and      clairvoyant.       I   intense experience! poison to destroy her soul

      researched Sylvia Plath’s life,                As Sylvia was                based on the darker
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