Page 11 - Poze Magazine Vol.31(monthly-Barbie Wills Dymond)
P. 11
elements of the occult inclusions in my theory have It is like a dream come
that he was drawing her been verified! This epic isn’t true because I had a
into more deeply than for the feint strong urge to have a
ever, Sylvia was not hearted and when the Director ballet choreographed to
coping with this! It was of the Margot Fonteyn one of my epic poems
her downfall. I say to Academy sent this statement and now there is also
anyone that the occult is a to me about it - for my more another one of my
place for those without recent interview on BBC radio
mental, emotional, this year - it was an epic’s “The Panjandrum
psychological damage, overwhelming pleasure to read of Quondam (The Epic
weaknesses or problems, what this remarkable Grenade)”
because if you embrace it choreographer - with 40-years
and you’re not complete experience – has to say to drum-quondam-epic-
as a well-rounded and about my poem and our future grenade-full-lyrics-
stable, integrated collaboration: cassandra-cassandra-
personality and character, “I have been inspired by swan/ - I wrote in 2005 as
if your soul is damaged, Cassandra’s poem and I am a tribute to my muse and
the occult is highly likely honoured to work with her to mentor the Russian Poet
to destroy you! My theory bring this poem to light in a new Vladimir Mayakovksy - set
on Sylvia’s life and suicide way. In a world that mainly sees to be a choreographed
all connected like complex only results, the journey and ballet in collaboration
strands and neurons to cumulative damage it brings is with Sergei Polunin a
what felt like Sylvia’s rarely considered, particularly former ballet dancer with
with women and minority
etheric voice beyond the the Royal Ballet and now
grave screaming to tell populations who are dominated by President of his
powerful men. We are in a time of
the story nobody but her revelation and Cassandra Swan is Foundationwww.polunini
truly knew. My epic was a pioneer for emotional truth.” And it doesn’t
written 20 years ago and KEN LUDDEN - end there! Ken Ludden,
it was nominated for an Director of the Margot
award. It was my first The other incredible Fonteyn Academy wants
publication. synchronicity is: Ken Ludden to choreograph the ballet
Below is a statement from also studied poetry and under for Sergei Polunin in
Ken Ludden, the Director Poet Anne Sexton! She was collaboration with Sergei
of the Margot Fonteyn one of the confessional school and myself! My poems
Academy about my of poets and a close friend of are becoming very
poem/theory. In the last Sylvia Plath! He has also stated interesting and exciting
20 years, and over time, a that my words in the epic to others and for me to
lot of my findings and poem are “beautiful and