Page 35 - Poze Magazine Vol.31(monthly-Barbie Wills Dymond)
P. 35
I think that a lot of people beginning
to learn to play an instrument get I think a lot of people would agree that
discouraged when they sound really Black Sabbath were one of the biggest
bad and give up too easily. A lesson to early influences on the heavy metal and
learn from me and my friends is that hard rock style of guitar playing. I have
starting out on an instrument can be always been a real fan of Black Sabbath
fun and doesn't have to be so painful. with Ozzy and the sound they created
Just keep messing around with your back in the seventies. It's the kind of music
instrument and playing it anyhow, that can transport you back in time and
even if you're irritating people around you can really feel the intensity and
you. The more I kept at it, I started to emotions coming through. I use that as
get familiar with the fretboard and inspiration in my own songwriting to come
more comfortable playing it. It didn't out with something that you feel deeply
take very long before I was playing and goes beyond just tapping your fingers.
power chords and other basic chords. I My guitar style is also influenced heavily
still think it's important to have fun on by Jimmy Page, Robby Krieger and other
your instrument and not be overly types of music I'm into like Johnny Cash,
consumed by musical theory. Playing John Lennon and Stevie Ray Vaughn. I'm
guitar and any instrument should be also a big fan of Dimebag Darrell, Zakk
about giving it your own flavor and Wylde and Ritchie Blackmore. I have too
personality and not just trying to copy many influences to mention but I've been
someone else. inspired by many of the greats in rock and
Once I started to get better on the roll. I still have more to learn and definitely
guitar, I was beginning to learn don't claim to be on their level just yet,
Metallica riffs and playing some punk but I'm just doing my thing and not
rock type stuff like the Offspring. Then, necessarily trying to be anybody else.
like a lot of guitar players, I got really
inspired by Black Sabbath and Tony
Iommi style of guitar riffs.