Page 21 - Poze Magazine Vol.31(ATR-4 months)
P. 21

9) What advice could                It was very clear as a opportunities and people into my
     you give to another                 toddler I had not just a life. Having said that, I don’t
                                         fascination with words I need people to motivate me and
     person trying to
                                         was speaking clearly and I am an autocrat in that respect.
     follow their dreams?
                                         having         conversations I am a recluse.

     Be focused and make with adults and using Most people call me an “Alpha
     plans and goals, write long words that must Female” I have always worked
     them down then work have sounded so funny very long hours and a very fast
     persistently       until    you coming out of an 18 paced,                            independent,           self-

     accomplish them, your month                      old      toddler’s motivated person. I thought
     dreams       will    manifest. mouth! Then I recall at everyone                        had     this    capacity,

     Work on things that about 3 years old my however, over the years I have
     you’re passionate about great-grandmother told come to learn that I am very

     and follow the positive me this: “Good, better, blessed and gifted with strength
     powers of the universe best! Never let it rest! Let and endurance that rarely falters

     and allow your heart and your good be better! And and is a great asset and part of
     soul to guide you on your your better be best!” I my character. I do inspire people
     way. Study the market; think it may be a St. and that is another important
     look     at    how       people Francis of Assisi quote, I part of my whole life in whatever

     accomplished             similar sure as Hell had that I have chosen as a field of work.

     goals in the past. Learn imprinted on my mind It is important to inspire people
     from          the         great and it has never left me.               to achieve their goals..It is so
     personalities               and I find using what I call a important                    to    be     tenacious,

     characters in the past “mentor’s                    board”      and because            writers        or     any
     who have accomplished having photos of those profession can have its ups and

     the pinnacle of their who inspire me on it is a downs and it is the way we react
     chosen         fields       and great          way      to     keep and navigate them that defines
     success. They all have focused. I meditate and us. If you experience rejection

     something to teach you. as                 a     medium         and and throw the towel in you have
     Quotes from the best are clairvoyant I key in to the just                       allowed      someone         who

     fuel for the soul and the vibrations of those in maybe didn’t like you or your
     soul is your ultimate spirit and they motivate work throw you off kilter. It
     guide. Don’t let anyone me to work hard, stay doesn’t mean that everyone will
     lead     you     astray     and focused and enlighten reject you. You have to have

     remain in the driving seat me. I work closely with broad shoulders and a very

     of your life and goals and the Universe and I am on determined streak that won’t
     doggedly persist until you a high vibrational level to falter regardless of others. You
     reach them and then attract the right                                   have to believe in yourself and
     make more!                                                              your writing at all costs.
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