Page 4 - Poze Magazine Volume 44 (Digital)
P. 4
vincent devoted to me, the FUTUR you prefer; many first part
ROAD project in instrumental for
version makes the audience open mike freestyles, and
and listening to the united so on. In this project
Hello, VaMo Radio! I’m state and brings together my FUTUR ROAD I wanted to
delighted to be broadcast on French And then I’m not in my get out of my comfort, out
your channel as well as Poze first project either, three of the context SLAM
radio, it’s a very big step for apparitions compiling a story ORIGINAL, rap old, put me
me and my project at this for children and adults of a little as that would say
stage, soon a consecration Christmas, a film soundtrack, to the page, because
also with the magazine (Poze three appearances in poetic today the musical genres
magazine) that will be literature, two turns in French have evolved, it is more
wad; clandestine if like in our childhood.