Page 5 - Poze Magazine Volume 44 (Digital)
P. 5

Even yesterday’s hip-hop is no longer that of today, the demand for audience and
     other It’s the goal of everyone to be better than yesterday, the age makes you get

     older, but you have to do it by staying young; there’s a phrase by the artist
     YOUSSOUPHA (French rap artist signed) who says and that I love very much in his
     latest album “INTERSTELAR” which says “I want to die young but as The meaning of
     this sentence means everything! I
     listen a lot to artists of my age ..
     today those who work in France it’s
     texts and personalities that do not
     hide behind false profiles, I can give
     you some of them! Youssoupha (in
     the past) Medine, Dragon Davy, Brav,

     Third World (Mamadou), Alivors and
     Oumar of course all the band of the
     label with whom I work in bulk, but
     other such as Damso , BOD (a little
     less known) , and I go because my list
     is long, and that's that.
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