Page 10 - Poze Magazine Vol. 76 (updated)
P. 10
Poze Magazine
Gareth Lewis
Passionate lyrical stories, stellar productions
and melodies which are all tied together
with Gareth Lewis’ strong vocals.
Speaking about the EP, Gareth Lewis says:
“Roots is a delightful eclectic mix that blends
lots of my influences, including rock, blues,
country, gospel and electronica. I touch on a
number of themes throughout the songs,
such as rebellion, personal growth,
relationships and liberation.
“Writing and recording this EP was a
cathartic process that helped me express
Following on from the release of emotional reactions to a number of
his latest single ‘What Got Us Here situations, whilst making reconnect and
Won’t Get Us There’, Swansea understand what really matters most to me,
native Gareth Lewis returns with and where I’m headed next… hence its
his kaleidoscopic EP titled ‘Roots’ name, Roots.”
which brings together 6 tracks
including a radio edit of the Gareth Lewis is a UK singer, songwriter and
aforementioned ‘What Got Us Here musician from Swansea, Wales with a long
Won’t Get Us There’ further career in the music industry. A regular BBC
pushing his eclectic sound to the Radio Wales A-List artist, Gareth has also
mainstream masses. been featured on Planet Rock Radio and has
had a song featured on an advert for Porsche,
As a creative, Gareth Lewis isn’t starring Bill and Ted actors Keanu Reeves
afraid to let his musical passions and Alex Winter.
bleed through into his projects,
which in turn allows him to play Influenced by his love of blues, country, rock,
with multiple genre styles, and acoustic and gospel music, his former alt-
with ‘Roots’ he delivers a standout country/Americana band, Dukes of Hafod
record that brings together made it to 2014’s final and top 2% at the
several sounds including blues, International Songwriting Competition in
rock, and country. Nashville. Coming second to the hit song
‘Riptide’ by Vance Joy. The band received
This is a collection of songs from acclaim across Wales, and were supported by
an artist very much in his artistic BBC Wales Horizons to release their debut
element and that shines through album ‘All Roads Lead Here.’
in every track creating a bold and
striking project that has
something for everyone to enjoy
regardless of genre preferences