Page 21 - Poze Magazine Vol. 76 (updated)
P. 21
Review by: Ben E Zander
Photography: Tyler Fisk
@f12k_ The main floor offers a middle
On April 5, electronic duo Eli space for folks to congregate
and Fur stopped in Chicago for flanked to either side by
a performance at PRYSM. That elevated platforms featuring
same day, they released their tables for purchase. Also,
newest single, ‘Insomnia’, a there’s a large U-shaped bar, a
cogent club track fraught with coat check, and the woman’s
gorgeous vocals throughout a rest room on this first floor.
frolicking house beat, hissy hi- Take the stairwell up, and you’ll
hats, and sweet synths. find a balcony space offering
Recently signed to record label elevated views along with more
[PIAS] Électronique, and tables for reservation, another
commemorating ten years of bar, the men’s restroom
success, Eli and Fur have (kind of hidden towards the
much to celebrate. They were back beyond the tables), and a
joined by many enjoying second room hosting its own
themselves throughout the kind of vibe and party (top 40’s
venue and on the dance floor. and hip-hop) apart from the
main chamber.
Photography: Tyler Fisk For those unfamiliar with
PRYSM, it is a nightclub,
through and through. Table and One of the things I noted early
bottle service, babe. Dress to on about this show is it’s the
impress, look your best, that’s kind of event where you don’t
the kind of vibe I get. Not spend most of your time looking
saying one doesn’t always want at the stage. Intentional?
to be well put together, but this Maybe. With EDM productions
isn’t a three-day EDM festival of other kinds, especially the
type of crowd. Possibly dubstep variety, there’s a
Coachella, likely Lollapalooza, sensory assault of visual
but I see no Jersey’s or ball mechanics constantly vying for
caps in sight. Instead, classy your attention. Lasers, lights,
attire like dresses, heels, screens, visualizers, stages
blazers, button downs, and that transform, what exactly am
dress shoes are the mainstay, I supposed to be looking at?
with some t-shirts, jeans, Distracting! Tonight, was
joggers, zip-ups, sneakers, and relatively straight forward, and
slides mixed in sparsely. thankfully.
Photography: Tyler Fisk
P O Z E - M A G A Z I N E . C O M