Page 52 - Poze Magazine Volume 77
P. 52


                        RUI SONG


                  Following his coming out, a young man is astonished to discover his parents not only knew but accepted
                  his homosexuality, contingent upon the condition that he must father a child to inherit the cherished
                  family  heirloom.  Overwhelmed,  he  engages  in  a  heated  dispute  with  his  parents,  yet  the  accidental
                  shattering of the heirloom unveils a long-buried secret..
                                                               2. How were you changed by the process of making
                  1. Why did you begin filming?               HEIRLOOM?

                  As a director, my journey into filmmaking   Initially  inspired  by  real-life  events  around  me,  I
                  began with a passion for and exploration of  wanted  to  create  a  story  about  LGBTQ+  issues
                  dance. It not only became a vehicle for my  intertwined  with  surrogacy.  However,  upon  further
                  personal expression and growth but also     reflection,  I  decided  I  wanted  to  make  a  warm,
                  earned me recognition from peers and        comedic film instead. Surrogacy is a serious topic, and
                  mentors on the competitive dance stage.     I didn't want to take a definitive stance on it. Instead, I
                  Starting as a dance teacher, I gradually    wanted to use surrogacy as an element to drive
                  gained opportunities to guide celebrities,  the  story  forward,  a  catalyst  rather  than  the  main
                  stage performances, and live events. These  theme. I incorporated elements of family heirlooms to
                  experiences opened the door to the world    both connect and subvert the unpredictable
                  behind the screen, sparking a deep interest   3. What were the values imbued in making this film,
                  in filmmaking. After graduation, I chose to  and where do those values
                  further my education at CCA, immersing      come from?
                  myself in the intricate details of film     As the director of "Heirloom," the values woven into
                  production. I aim to leverage the skills    the fabric of this film stem from personal experiences,
                  cultivated through dance to leave my mark   observations,  and  reflections.  Love  and  acceptance
                  in the realms of music videos and           are at the forefront, inspired by my own journey as a
                  commercial advertising, presenting          member  of  the  LGBTQ+  community  navigating  the
                  audiences with unique and impactful         complexities of identity and relationships.
                  visual stories.
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