Page 19 - Poze Magazine Vol.36a (International Issue)
P. 19
What is the best advice
can you give someone
who wants to get into
the music industry?
Find a great team and great
people to work with. Never
give up, hard work always
pays off! And find your way What’s next for you?
to express yourself in your Please explain.
own unique way! In this biz I am working on some new
it's so important to be collaborations and I am also
unique and to have working on new music for
something that people can my next project that I will
refer to. Be true to yourself not announce yet. I am
writing on a book as we
speak and also working on
my next jewelry line. So, stay
tuned and follow me to see
what will pop up next from
my side! Join the movement
of the Rising Phoenix!
How can fans-to-be gain access to your music?
I am on all music platforms such as YouTube, Spotify, Apple, Soundcloud, Amazon, Tidal
etc. Check out the links in this interview and make sure to follow me on my Instagram,
YouTube, Spotify and Facebook to stay updated with my new releases and upcoming
projects! You can also watch my documentary on Amazon Prime and Film Freeway on
the links below! I am so excited to share my music and work with all of you, and I can't
wait to meet you in person one day! Much love and blessings to all of you!