Page 21 - Poze Magazine Vol.36a (International Issue)
P. 21

Yajna is also a film producer, and
    has made a documentary about her
    life, how she overcomes struggles                                             It’s been sent to Film Festivals
    and obstacles in her life, and how                                            all over the world, and it can
    she with the love for her children                                            also be seen on Amazon Prime
    and her love for music is reborn                                              US and UK. The documentary
    into the artist Yajna.                                                        is very emotional and goes
                                                                                  along with Yajnas message of
                                                                                  love and empowerment.

    Yajna is also a Jewelry designer and together with Giantto in Los Angeles she has made a
    Jewelry collection called Yajna. She is a sharp and passionate businesswoman with a lot of things
    going on in the future such as a clothing line, writing a book, films and of course there is a lot more
    music and music videos to be released! Welcome to the movement of the Rising Phoenix.
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