Page 23 - Poze Magazine Volume 47
P. 23

5    In 1997 you won the 2nd Award in one of the most important national competitions, “Festival
           of Castrocaro” on the national TV program RAI UNO, performing an original song “Anni bui”.
           Why has this become such a legendary moment in your career?

     Well, it was the first time I could sing in one of the most followed TV programs in Italy. And at that
     young age it is a great honor and blessing, especially because I remember as if it was today when I
     received the compliments and the congratulations by the most famous tenor in the world Maestro
     Luciano Pavarotti.  In his opinion I would have had a very brilliant career thanks to the peculiarity, the
     extension and power of my voice.

           In 2012, you started collaborating with other artists and authors internationally,
           including Nico Adams, with whom you wrote "True Light". What other opportunities

           has this opened up for you?

     It was a great opportunity to know
     American producers, to know Tom
     Coyne at the Sterling Sound Studio
     of New York who decided to master
     my song, and to interact with so
     many professionals in the United
     States of America.

     7    You have also published your
          first album "Carmen Corona"
          with Sony Music, one of the

          biggest labels in America and
          internationally. In the album
          you covered some top hits by
          legendary artists. Why did you
          choose to cover these
          particular songs and include
          them in the album?
    My producer, at that time, maestro
    Giampiero Artegiani, believed in me

    and in my talent. And he thought,
    since I could speak English fluently
    (but also other languages such as
    French, German and Spanish) that I
    could sing some hits like Memory by
    Barbra Streisand, or Knocking on the
    heaven's door by Bob Dylan, 'cause in
    his opinion my voice was very similar

    to the voice of Joan Baez in particular
    the "vibrato".
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