Page 27 - Poze Magazine Volume 47
P. 27

Coties’ latest release ‘Crimes in Daygo’ is an upbeat
    Trap song that’s inspired by his past experience in               ‘Crimes in Daygo’ is an ending to a
    learning how to deal with pride. ‘Crimes in Daygo’ is             chapter in his life that no longer
    a reflection of the emotions he felt, as well as the              resonates with the artist. Fans can
    product of letting pride control decision-making.                 look forward to up-and-coming
                                                                      transition promoting growth.
                                                                      The producer of this new release is
          “The first line of the song questions whether               BigT Productions and was recorded
           my decisions that I’ve made towards others                 at Arden Rock Records.

            were right or not, and as the beat drops, I
              choose to go back into that pride state
             where I am confident and carefree. These             “My music teaches every listener that
            carefree decisions I made during my past              It is O.K. to perceive the world in
              relationships are similes that I use as a           whatever way feels natural. A
              comparison to the crimes that happen                person’s uniqueness is what drives
               in San Diego, California. I’m using this           them past the walls they’d consider a
                   track as a set-up for my future                dream.” – Coties

                    music, where I will focus on
                    promoting growth.” – Coties
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